pondelok 31. decembra 2012

utorok 25. decembra 2012

Merry Christmas

Hello everyone! I wish you merry & blocky Christmas! :D
ProperWeather 1.0 was just released and is waiting approval, but I'm sharing a link with you so you can check it before approval!
DL: http://dev.bukkit.org/media/files/659/642/ProperWeather.jar

nedeľa 23. decembra 2012

My opinion on Bukkit "safeguard" = good, but let's bypass! :D

As some of you may know, Bukkit has recently added feature called "safeguard". It's nothing special(at least think so ;) ), they've just moved org.bukkit.craftbukkit.* classes to org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_5.* etc. It's not bad idea, but plugin developers will have to release update for every new Minecraft version (which is good). So I agree with that feature, but I was thinking about writing small library that checks if desired classes/methods etc. changed in that API, so if there was no change to chosen classes/methods, your plugin could run fine despite the package name changing. Just thinking ;)

streda 19. decembra 2012

Don't panic! X-Mas ahead

Hello everybody! It's been a while since I posted here.
So where to start... CraftBukkit for 1.4.5 was released before 4 hours. I don't have time to update my plugins right now, because I have to learn for the latest final exam before Christmas, which is tomorrow...
I'm really sorry for that. Not all plugins need updating. Only ProperWeather & Chimneys need update because of package moving in bukkit. Java Devs get it... ;). Chimneys will be updated tomorrow and ProperWeather will come out @ X-mas because there are some bugs that appeared in 1.4.5, so I must fix them.
Be sure to stay tuned for more updates!

pondelok 26. novembra 2012

ProperWeather + new plugin!

ProperWeather 1.0 is ready to be released, so I'm waiting for CB 1.4.5-R1.0 or simply a craftbukkit for minecraft 1.4.5. The version has some critical bug fixes, so I recommend dowloading it.
The New Plugin
In the meanwhile, I've released a new plugin called LoginProtector. LoginProtector can prevent you from exploding, dieing by accident, while your chunks are not loaded and you get killed. It can be really useful for some servers. If you like the concept, check its homepage @ http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/loginprotector/ .
Enjoy all my plugins!

utorok 6. novembra 2012

ProperWeather almost 1.0b

The title says it all! I think we've reached ProperWeather 1.0b. That means, I've implemented all of planned features for 1.0, but they are mostly untested. I'll probably do hour or 2 of testing and get the beta out today! Depends on how much buggy will it be. So far, it's doing great! :) Also, CPU performance was significantly improved in difference between 0.9. 1.0 Will be out at the beginning of December!

sobota 27. októbra 2012

Presentation @ October 30th

So, as I was mentioning I'm having busy time, my busy time will end by a presentation at my school on October 30th. That's awesome! Only 3 more busy days! Please cross fingers for me & wish me luck.
Also... in the meanwhile, I've started working on a new plugin. It will unleash ALL hidden features of our favourite bukkit! So keep waiting & stay tuned for updates. 

piatok 19. októbra 2012

Programming livestream?

Hello guys, my busy period is almost @ the end. I'm deciding whether to setup periodical livestram of plugin development. Please leave a reply whether you'd watch it. Thank you!

piatok 12. októbra 2012

Don't get infected!

Hello guys, just a quick post:
I'm trying to spread a warning: On skype, MS messenger & messenger, there's a dangerous worm. It can use your PC for whatever it wants to, so please if someone sends you a message "Is this your new profile pic?" with some link, don't open the link. It redirects you to site with dangerous file which includes WORM!  Read more here: http://pandalabs.pandasecurity.com/is-it-your-new-pic-profile-no-it-s-a-worm-spreading-through-skype-and-messenger/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

nedeľa 7. októbra 2012

ProperWeather Update approaching! [+ETA]

Hello there! This is my 2nd blog post today! I hope you're enjoying reading it :D.
So, I've just began working on ProperWeather 1.0 and it looks like alpha will be available next weekend :3. Beta somewhere in the middle of November and somewhere near christmas(maybe I should include an X-MAS weather in it? let me know!). Now, if you excuse me, I've got to learn for 8 tests this week and then by October 22th, we have to give teachers our project, then 2nd tests approaching, then X-MAS and final exams. In between, I have to do 6hrs. of voluntary work!!! HOLY CR*P >:(
[And I still find time to update my plugins, because I don't do anything except of school... That's simply me! :) ]

GTalk: Crazy Experience: "Premium member has crush on you!" + Facebook Virus experience


Hey guys, I want to share with you this crazy experience: A random person randomly added me on GTalk. Then started chatting with me. It looked so normal till I was questioned something like "what women are you into?" and there were some options, so I picked one and it started to look suspicous because she said she's a girl who wants to do some kind of "sexy show" for me?! So I've asked where did she found out my e-mail. She didn't answer. I've got some link to open and there were only ads. I kept saying "there are only ads on that page", I've even sent her a screenshot of the ad. After a lot of suspicous answers I've got from her, I said myself "It's a bot!", so I've just ragequit from there and blocked the user who chatted to me on GTalk. However, I think someone's google account was hacked, so I'll not share the username with you, but what I can tell you is, the bot said "she" is Jenni from Florida. I thought it was a crazy experience so I realized I should write a blog post about it and I started writing (go to top of this post to see further ;) ).


What I've seen on facebook is, that my friend who's very very bad at English started writing me in english "Hi, wanna hang out?" and gave me some links to open. Then, he came online. Sad story for the virus xD

So we've learned once again internet is not a safe place, because you never know, who's on the second side of cable(or wifi or 3G or whatever ;) ) Be careful while sharing information with unknown people(I must be careful while blogging too ;) ).

sobota 6. októbra 2012

Chimneys SSP - Update [Finally!]

I'm announcing that compatibility update for Chimneys SSP for MC 1.3.2 has just been uploaded to BukkitDev. I hope it to get approved soon, since I've added a cool effect, that the smoke sometimes randomly goes very very high! Enjoy it :)
Check it out @ http://dev.bukkit.org/client-mods/chimneys-ssp/ !

pondelok 1. októbra 2012

Community, community & community!

Hey guys, I just want to share some of "my other identities" with you.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tomsik68
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/tomsik68
Instagram: tomsik68
Blog: (here... ;) )
E-Mail: tomsik68@gmail.com
MineCraft: Tomsik68 (warning: uppercase T is only neccessary if you want to steal my skin :D)

Legend of Zelda - Phantom Hourglass(Nintendo DS): jaskuSVK
I hope to have some more interaction with you soon.

piatok 28. septembra 2012

RealMotd mini update

Hey! I'm so buuuusy! However as title says, this sunday is realmotd going to be updated. The only change will be time format. Minutes and seconds less than 10 will be prefixed by 0. It's nice dstail.I didn't notice. ETA is in 16 hours! That's all for now, I've got to study some chemistry...

pondelok 3. septembra 2012

All plugins mega post!

Hey, so school year has begun for me, and I'm glad I've updated ProperWeather to 0.9, so you can enjoy biome-specific weathers on your minecraft servers.
I'll be having somehow busy September, so I'll most likely update Chimneys SSP & also Chimneys SMP (more particles will be added). Chimneys SSP update for 1.3.2 will be available at September 23rd. Chimneys SMP will be updated at the end of September, or beginning of October. Let's go for 6th October.
ProperWeather 1.0 is also on my plan, but looks like it'll be somewhen between christmas and new year. I'll be really busy because of school, so it'll take long.
ContestAdmin update date is unknown, but the current version is compatible with latest bukkit, so I don't plan updating it for now.
RealMotd update is also very far from us, but current version is compatible with latest bukkit. The new update will contain permission group & world specific MOTD.
HelpPlus was recently updated, but next update will most likely be released this week, because I've found a problem with it.
PII isn't going to be updated for now, but it's still open to new suggestions. Just tell me what plugin type or event I'm missing in it, and *POOF* it'll be there with more features than you mentioned :D .

So, back to school/work everyone :'(.

sobota 18. augusta 2012

ProperWeather 0.9 beta-testing & more work

Hey, I've recently figured out how to do biome-block-iterators, so now I need to test them. Hardcore testing action is now being performed by me, but I want you to help with testing too, so I can squish as many bugs as possible in 0.9, because I want to make the lOoOoOoOoOoOoOong waiting be worth it! :) . Just grab the 0.94 and try to run a test server. Best testing can be done by setting region-type.[your world name] in your config to BIOME and then /pw run . I hope to release the 0.9 before school begins (2nd September), so I'll have to move on.
I've also got several more things to do in my other plugins. Like more particles for chimneys (probably also a name change?), listing of permission nodes for HelpPlus, getting ContestAdmin better and some more. I'm always open to suggestions, so feel free to suggest something to any of my plugins. Suggestions are great in my opinion. That's how we expand the MineCraft gameplay. :)

sobota 26. mája 2012

ProperWeather - another update + Chimneys SSP

I've recently released development build of ProperWeather known as 0.92b. However, I've gone a big step from it in Eclipse. I only need to get 2 things fixed before release: Rain/Clear transition from region to region, Biome block iteration(need to go through every block in specific biome). These things are really difficult to fix, so I just need to try a lot of things. How can you help me, you ask? Well, just grab the latest testing version and test! :) If you see any errors in your console while testing, why not report them at http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/ProperWeather/tickets ? Thanks to everyone who helped out with testing (even in older versions), thanks to downloaders who keep me motivated to update the plugin and thanks to people who gave any feedback (also negative).
Chimneys SSP
SSP version of still more popular server mod 'Chimneys' is finally here & updated for 1.2.5! Check it out at http://dev.bukkit.org/client-mods/chimneys-ssp

štvrtok 26. apríla 2012

ProperWeather biome regions

News on ProperWeather

Firstly, I want to say I'm still working on it.
Secondly, I've recently begun testing ProperWeather's region-specific weather API on biome-specific region system and there're several problems. The biggest one is, that there's always the same weather in all regions. The good messages about it are:
1. It only looks like that. Core says everything is alright. So there must be failure somewhere in the weather initialising code. Still looking for it.
2. Performance issues ("Can't keep up..." messages every 3 seconds) have been solved. With an exception for bigger servers with 20+ people. That may lag, but I'm really unsure about this, since I've never tested it. Just a bit of theory... :)
3. I'll write here once I get some more updates! :)

Random MineCraft news

I've got awesome news in this part! If you've stayed tuned to minecraftforums.net , you probably know what I'm talking about - Wireless Redstone in vanilla!
Yes. A guy called "777static777" has made a tutorial how to transfer redstone wirelessly without any mods. You can checkout the vid here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=pdtJyX_c6Fw

Terraria news

I've recently finally got Terraria working on linux (thanx jesyspa & DeathCradle for http://www.terrariaonline.com/threads/released-wip-linaria-terraria-1-1-2-for-linux.85476/ !) and I was looking forward to try some hard mechanisms. However, I'm out of resources, so I've decided to itemize(use InvEdit). And guess what. There's no working Terraria InvEdit for Linux!!! Linux must feel so disappointed. This is the point when I've decided to make Terraria InvEdit for Linux. I've got like quarter done (I'm using MonoDevelop). I'll post some screenshots once I get the inventory editing part working. It only adds/removes buffs for now.

pondelok 5. marca 2012

Where are ProperWeather regions?

At first, I'd like to let you know I'm still working on implementation of region-specific weather for my plugin ProperWeather. I haven't managed to do so at expected day, because I'm working on it really hard. I want to get regions working, but keep the plugin configuration simple. That's why it's taking so long. I don't want people to use alternative plugins if they can use one. Everything I'd like to do to weather will be done through this plugin. The to-do list of ProperWeather's still very long and as it's not empty, I'm continuing updates for the plugin.
I can't tell when the region implementation will work fully, but it should be done in this month. At least 0.91b (notice release will be named 0.9) with full region implementation for people to test.

sobota 25. februára 2012

Lost sources... :(

During the migration to Kubuntu, I knew I'm forgetting something. And I was right! I forgot to take sources of Chimneys SSP!!! I'm so angry with myself >:( ! However the earlier development wasn't useless. Maybe I can remember something useful. We'll see in few weeks.

utorok 21. februára 2012

ProperWeather regions!

I've been browsing bukkit forums for a while, and I found out, that lots of forum members think that region-specific weather is impossible. I've got some news for them: I'm working on region-specific weathers! Yeah, it's possible. However it's quite hard to make that and it takes a lot of time. During these holidays, I've got bunch of free time and I think I could get the final ProperWeather with full-and-working region support out by 26th February. I've already got the region system code design and it's also at GitHub in tomsik68/ProperWeather repository. All I need to do now, is to implement it. The buggy implementation is already on BukkitDev called ProperWeather 0.9a.

pondelok 13. februára 2012

Migration to Kubuntu finished, now to setup Eclipse!

I've recently got new computer, which is totally awesome. Just look at those specs:
CPU: 3.5 GhZ AMD Phenom II X4
RAM: 8GB (2x4GB)
OS: Kubuntu

You may not thing it's awesome, but I think it. Just look at my previous PC:

CPU: 2.33 GhZ Intel Centrino Duo
GPU: Nvidia 256MB
OS: Windows XP
Well, I've lost 500GB of my old IDE/ATA HDD which is not supported by new motherboard. However everything else is great! I've already did some plugin development on it and it's a lot better than on the old pc. I'll also be able to record videos and reviews of my plugins (I guess).
Now, I just need to properly setup Eclipse + EGit/JGit and start plugin development!
For those who are wondering, here's my GitHub acc: https://github.com/tomsik68/

utorok 3. januára 2012

Introducing new plugin - Help +

A few days ago, I've been thinking about the old hMod ages. We've been using a lots of commands and needed a help for them. That's where it has started. Bukkit hasn't got any automated help plugin, which'd look for descriptions, usages and everything else you need to know about command. I sticked everything together and result is brand new help plugin. Help+(link on dev-bukkit).

And what about Chimneys SSP?
The idea's still in my head, I'm just waiting for Modding API, which should be released at the end of January. Once then, I'll take Chimneys SSP and  you can expect it on bukkit's client mods page very soon :).

Oh, and happy new year! :D