sobota 18. augusta 2012

ProperWeather 0.9 beta-testing & more work

Hey, I've recently figured out how to do biome-block-iterators, so now I need to test them. Hardcore testing action is now being performed by me, but I want you to help with testing too, so I can squish as many bugs as possible in 0.9, because I want to make the lOoOoOoOoOoOoOong waiting be worth it! :) . Just grab the 0.94 and try to run a test server. Best testing can be done by setting region-type.[your world name] in your config to BIOME and then /pw run . I hope to release the 0.9 before school begins (2nd September), so I'll have to move on.
I've also got several more things to do in my other plugins. Like more particles for chimneys (probably also a name change?), listing of permission nodes for HelpPlus, getting ContestAdmin better and some more. I'm always open to suggestions, so feel free to suggest something to any of my plugins. Suggestions are great in my opinion. That's how we expand the MineCraft gameplay. :)